Epping Public School Library provides our students with the opportunity to explore their interests and unlock their imagination. We have an incredible collection of quality literature ranging from graphic novels to non-fiction and everything in between.
In our library, we explicitly teach information skills to support student learning and cross curriculum priorities, such as literacy and integrating ICT. A guided inquiry approach, and reference to other information process models, further enrich the development of information literacy skills.
Our Mission
To enable students to become lifelong learners and readers, as well as both effective and ethical information users. The library strives to:
Foster a love of reading for pleasure and the appreciation and enjoyment of literature.
Promote inclusion through the selection of multilingual texts.
Develop students’ information literacy skills through guided inquiry, using the NSW Syllabus.
Provide access to current, high quality information resources and literature in a variety of formats, that supports the Australian curriculum, school priorities, student needs, abilities and interests.
Provide accessible services to assist both students and teachers in independently accessing resources and information.
Opening Hours
Students are welcome to visit the library during the times shown above.
Students may borrow a book for 1 – 2 weeks. Please ensure that you send your child to school with an EPS library bag. These bags are a compulsory part of our school uniform and can be purchased from the uniform shop for $17.
Kindergarten may borrow 1 book in semester 1; and 2 books in semester 2.
Year 1 & 2 may borrow 3 books.
Years 3 & 4 may borrow 4 books.
Years 5 & 6 may borrow 5 books a week.
Year 6 may now borrow ‘Year 6 Only’ books from our library.
If a student has 1 overdue book then this will lessen the amount they can borrow. E.g. A Year 5 student has 2 overdue books. Of their 5 total borrows they can now only borrow 3 books.
Students are encouraged to return books in a timely manner. If a child has one overdue book, this will limit the amount of books they are allowed to borrow until they are found, replaced or paid for. At the end of each term, the Teacher Librarian will run an overdue report on the computer to see the students who still have overdue books. These students will receive an overdue notice.
Book Week
Book week is held in Term 3 of each year. It’s a time to celebrate reading, authors, literature and writing. Epping Public School will hold a book parade during this time, where students can dress up as characters from their favourite stories. Parents are welcome to join us during this event but are reminded to respect the privacy of other students and only take photos of their child.
Online Library
Students have access to our online library catalogue via the student portal.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Epping Public School participates in the Premier’s Reading Challenge every year. Students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will be supported at school for the challenge by reading PRC books in the library. Students in Year 3-6 will be required to log their own books online through the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. For more information, please visit their website.
World Book Online
Epping Public School provides its students with free access to World Book Online resources. This online database is available for student use at home and school; and is a wonderful, reliable place for research.
Please visit the World Book website if your child wishes to use them. World Book logins are provided at school.