Epping Public School

Opportunity Excellence Success

Telephone02 9876 1452


Volunteering at school

Helping out at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education as well as get to know the staff and other parents and carers.

Be a parent helper for Reading Groups at our school:

Reading Groups is one way you can help your child and their peers.

Reading Groups may involve helping by reading with a small group, playing literacy activities and games or helping students to log onto digital devices.

If you would like to volunteer to become a parent helper for reading groups in your child’s class, you should first contact the class teacher.

Once selected as a volunteer for Reading Groups, you will need to:

  • Complete the WWCC Declaration for Child-Related Workers (version  PD-2005-0264-07-V01.1.0 applicable from 29 March 2022)

  • Bring the completed form and one government-issued photo identity document (e.g licence, photo card) with your full name, address and date of birth to the front office.

  • Sign in at the office each time you attend reading groups.


Guidelines for parent helpers:

  • Treat all students in a positive, impartial and fair manner.  Work within the direction of the teacher who is responsible for the class or group of children.  

  • Refer any behaviour management issues to the classroom teacher, as he/she will then determine what course of action is to be followed.  

  • Assist by maintaining confidentiality. Classroom helpers are in a position of trust and should not discuss with other parents, adults or children any personal information about students, staff or other classroom helpers learnt whilst involved in school programs. 

  • Be willing to assist all children or group of children within the classroom. This could mean that you may not work directly with your child.

Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.

You can help by:

  • listening to children read in the classroom
  • volunteering on sports days
  • helping supervise excursions
  • getting involved in fundraising activities
  • joining school committees.

  • joining the P&C which are invovled in fundaraising
  • the school may request other ways.

Contact P&C through secretary@epspc.org